Monday, 19 December 2011

Time with my Kids

This was at 'Woorabinda' a park not far from our house. Eli's new boat that he got for his birthday.

Back in Oz

I'm back in Oz for Christmas and it is great to see everybody, I'm looking forward to doing a bunch of catching up with friends and rellies and doing some serious merrymaking and relaxing.

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Mango thief

A troop of Baboons came raiding the mangos in the tree out the front of my place this afternoon, I didn't get a photo of the alpa male but he was big, this one still made a lot of noise going over the roof though.

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Chris and Wally escape the madness

My dear friends, Christine and Wally Ross, (NSW) also Aussie volunteers, have finished their tour of duty, and are escaping from one madness to return to a different brand of madness. Naturally this required some memorial events, such as fishing with the two Dicks on the Zambezi and a top brai, (beaut barbie for the Ausies).

Dick and Wally on one last Tiger fish hunt.
Chris, Dick, Wal and Rob enjoy the size of it.
Happy ladies
Malcolm cooking a top brai (barbie)
 The morning after