Sunday, 22 January 2012

Nothing like Africa to grow em big, big cats, big snakes and big Millipedes, this thing felt about as heavy as a sausage, hardly surprising I suppose.

Back in Namibia

After a whirlwind trip back to Oz, it feels strangely like I never went home, except for the bit where I have lots of great memories and lots of toys which I didn't have last time, e.g. my digital sound recorder, a great family photo calendar, and heaps of learning materials for the students and staff here.
Everyone here were extremely welcoming upon my return, and are all conscious of my now fast aproaching re-assignment to the Rundu training centre, which is likely to happen around the end of February.
For those of you who dont know, Rundu is about 500km away from here (Katima Mulilo) and is on the banks of the Okavango River, yes, the same one which flows into nearby Botswana and becomes the Okavango Delta. (I'm sure going to try to get down there whilst I'm in Rundu)
lots of work to be done here with the students and trainers before that though, so
I'm not sure what has happened, but some of my posts have mysteriously vanished, Oh well, they were a bit boring anyway.
Since I was in Oz lots of tropical rain has been falling on this part of Africa, consequently, my dustbowl of a yard is now more jungle like in nature.
This time of year the river which is very nearby, floods, and so all of the animals that live in the bush along the river head our way, two of interest are Spitting Cobras and Black Mambas, so getting the grass down is kind of important, if one of these guys or one of their cousins is in my yard I would like to be able to keep an eye on them    This vid was created, and edited on my phone, so sorry for the lack of volume control.