Saturday 24 September 2011

Specialy for my beautiful son Eli, I broke the curse mate.

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Tuesday 20 September 2011

I have had most of the items on the menu, these meals average around A$14 and are HUGE portioins, Kudu is very yummy. (if you click on the picture it should enlarge)

Thursday 15 September 2011

Dinner last night

Yes I know this is out of cronological order, but I just thought I would share my dinner experience last night. It is steak 500g massaged in peper and lime then cooked to perfection with a bourboun based sauce dangling over mashed spud, YUM.
 The woman in the background is Rejoice, my country manager.

Wednesday 14 September 2011

The "Drop Off" exercise

It is 7am and we are doing an orientation exercise today called the "Drop Off", it is where they just take you to a location somewhere in the city and drop you off and you have to find your way back to the office of the aid co-orbination folks. I'm looking forward to it this is just fun sight seeing in my eyes, public transport here we come. Rejoice is my in country officer and she wanted to come with us today to get to know her way around too, so,... let's go

Tuesday 13 September 2011

I'm in Namibia

I've been in Namibia for about 4 hours now, first impressions are, driving in Namibia from the international airport to Windhoek, I could be driving along in South Australia, it is sooo similar it is incredible, that is of course apart from the African trees and the roadsigns which have antelope in stead of kangaroos on them, and oh yeah there is the taxi driver who is doing 140 in the 120 zone overtaking on the double white line section with the realy big sign that says not to do that, at least the cars that you could see were a long way off (whew).
 I'm in my hotel I'm a bit tired because I was awake for 23.5 hours yesterday, but I feel OK the hotel has a well stocked fridge and a pool and it is 27 degrees so I went for a swim, had a drink, and now I'm blogging.
The work starts tommorow with orientation meetings and meeting my host employer etc.
So far, I'm loving this place, it feels good and right and friendly.
The future looks bright.

Friday 2 September 2011

Centuwion,..centuwion,... why do they titter so?

Righto you lot, it's been a while since I put a blog together, so bear with me while I gets thu setttins rite.
Mind you, you may have to wait till I'm in Namibia, but it's bound to happen eventualy.
Thanks awwwfly for your payshunce.


hellooooo. technology challenge