Sunday, 4 March 2012

On Friday, we had the "End of Year" celebration, which was a little late, but never mind that, it started off with a fantastic meal at the Protea hotel, which is the closest thing you can get to a Hilton or Hyatt in Katima Mulilo. Then a boat cruise down the Zambezi toward the Botswanan boarder, of course I went fishing.
 Just walk down here through this long grass to the boat, oh don't worry about that sign, nobody has been eaten here in ages.

 Yes the beard is real, but the gut is fake.

My fellow shipmates

1 comment:

  1. THE BEARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ba hahahahaahahahahahahahahahahaahahhahahahaha

    Ba hahahaahahhaahahhahahahhahahahhaahhahahahhahah

    Hang on....... I'll have another look.........

